Wednesday 4 November 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge: DAY FOUR (10 Interesting Things About Me)

"Interesting" is relative, I suppose, but I have mulling over this post all day. It's harder than it seems, really, to come up with facts about myself that are new and/or interesting.

But here goes, anyway:

1. I hate feet on feet. Baby feet on mine, adult feet on mine....ugh. Nope. Get 'em OFF OF ME! It sort of drives my husband crazy, especially since I pull socks on my feet before climbing into bed, but really, he should stop trying. That definitely drives me crazy.

2. I have never smoked pot. I know, right? Seems totally out-of-character, but it's true. In related news, my Facebook status tonight was all about how the spaghetti sauce I made to go with our pasta smelled like pot. Hey, I may never have smoked it, but I've definitely smelled it.

3. I just asked my kids and I think that their ideas warrant sharing here:

a) I'm funny.
b) I wear glasses.
c) I love them.
d) I'm a good cook. (Please see #2)
e) I'm obsessed with Facebook.
f) I made up a "Swear Jar" to curb my own cursing
g) I sometimes take naps on the couch.

4. My husband is now chiming in:

a) I have "the tingle" (a kind of knowing, like pre-cognition or memory-capturing. It's weird)
b) I don't actually DRINK the Baileys I talk about drinking, I just think about it and then drink tea.
c) I hate being wrong, even though, according to him, I am often wrong.

5. I love eternity scarves. If I could wear one every day, I would. This could become a problem soon. It might already be one...

6.  I am sad that this is so hard...

7. Whenever I visit my parents' house, I spend the first few minutes moving through each room and opening their closets, inhaling the scent of home and making sure everything is where it's supposed to be. I am beginning to realize that this is not a charming quirk, but is perhaps a bit obsessive and maybe a little bit...creepy.

8. I don't really care if #8 is creepy...I'm doing it anyway.

9. I don't swim in large bodies of water that are not pools because things LIVE IN THE WATER. Those things might eat my feet. Or me. Nope. Not doing it.

10. Whatever, Mark. I am usually right. Except for all things math. Then, I can be counted on to be wrong. Also, I cannot parallel park at all. I will drive three blocks and walk before even trying.


  1. I always go to you when I'm looking for the RIGHT answer ... Pretty sure the husband is WRONG. ...YOU'RE always right xoxox

    1. BTW Thats from your friendly neighborhood Julie lol

    2. Right? Love you, friend and now-neighbour!

  2. you make me laugh lass. I hate feet too and suck big time at math.....cheers, Beckie

    1. Beckie!! How perfectly LOVELY to see you! xxx
